Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

Due to the current difficult situation on the procurement market for the relevant raw materials it is currently not possible to place orders via our online shop.

We look forward to your project-related enquiry and are also available to you by telephone.

Thank you for your understanding.

Publishing Details
Publisher and provider identification

Tecpoles GmbH

Headquaters Neumarkt

Nürnberger Straße 48

92318 Neumarkt, Germany

Phone +49 9181 27007 0

Fax +49 9181 27007 777

Commercial Register: District Court of Nuremberg HRB 38055

VAT identification number pursuant to § 27a of the German Value Added Tax Axt (UStG): DE 335 324 534

Tex number: 201/116/20327

Commerical register 

District Court of Nuremberg HRB 38055

Managing Director: Antonio Pedro Antunes · Margarida Caetano · Torsten Rehfeldt · Hendrik Schulz



Party responsible for content

Tecpoles GmbH

Nürnberger Straße 48

92318 Neumarkt, Germany


The content and design of the webpages are protected by copyright. Reproduction of the pages or page content requires the prior written approval of Tecpoles GmbH insofar as reproduction is not already permitted by law. The trademarks and companies mentioned on the webpages are legally protected registered trademarks.

For any content on this site that was not created by the operator, copyright ownership by third parties is acknowledged. In particular, content from third parties is marked as such. However, should you become aware of a copyright infringement, we ask you to notify us accordingly. We will immediately remove the associated content upon becoming aware of any legal violation.



Tecpoles GmbH checks and updates the information on its webpages continuously. Although compiled with great care, the information provided and the underlying facts may change over time. Therefore, we make no representations, warranties or guarantees that the information provided is up to date, accurate or complete at all times. However, according to §§ 8–10 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG), as service providers we are not obligated to monitor transmitted or saved third-party information or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity.

Obligations to remove or block the use of information according to general laws remain unaffected. However, liability in this regard will only be accepted from the time at which concrete violation of the law is ascertained. Upon becoming aware of such a legal violation we will immediately remove the associated content.

This also applies to all third-party sites linked to our website. The responsibility for the content and design of these sites lies with the respective provider. The linked sites were checked for possible legal violations at the time of linking. No illegal content was found at the time of linking.

Other information

For better readability and for the purposes of simplification only the male form is used in the texts on this website. The female form is of course always also implied.